If you own, operate, or maintain a Staggerwing (or any aircraft) you know how important it is to have the correct technical data.
The Staggerwing Club has partnered with AirCorps Library to give its members online access to over 6,500 engineering drawings, along with many manuals and service bulletins for the Model 17. Whether you need a pilot's manual, or are looking to fabricate a part, we've got the technical information you need to do it right!​
AirCorps Library
Membership Options
$25 Annually
Access to the full library of Staggerwing information, including drawings and manuals
$50 Annually
Access to all Staggerwing information, PLUS manuals and drawings for over 50 additional vintage and legacy aircraft, components, propellers, engines, and more
Use the AirCorps Library website on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, and get the technical information you need from anywhere in the world!
And start browsing your Staggerwing Library today!

Active Staggerwing Club members can sign up for an AirCorps Library membership using their member number.
Don't know your member number? No problem! Contact Ester Aube at AirCorps Library for this or any other questions related to the technical library, and she will help you through the process:
218-444-4478, Ext 5844
Not a Club member? Click Here to get started!
View and print engineering drawings, manuals, and service bulletins, and download hi-resolution digital files to print for your shop - all proceeds go directly to the Staggerwing Club!